Saturday, June 30, 2007

Bathroom Progress

I wanted to keep track of progress in the house with projects etc, but for whatever reason I keep forgetting to take the *before* pictures :(
Today I worked on the bathroom, specifically the shower. When we bought the house it had sliding glass doors which I took out. Then hubby wanted one of those rounded shower curtains installed. We went to Home Depot and got one of them, but when I came home to install it I realized that we had live knob and tube BEHIND the shower! Not good...
Because the caulking job was horrendous and the tub surround was installed backwards, the diverter spout leaked into the tub, etc - I tore it all out and to my surprize realized there was rotting boards behind the shower. So those also got torn out too.

Also in the process I got to take a peek to see exactly where the knob and tube was and how much space I had to be able to screw into the wall. I also got some CLR at Home Depot and cleaned out the piping before I replaced the leaky diverter stem.. ick.

Now after 2 caulking jobs, 5 tubes of Liquid Nails, 3 tubes of GE Tub Caulking some painters tape and a LOT - I mean a LOT of scrubbing and scraping with a mud knife I got all the yucky old caulking off and we have a somewhat decent looking but most importantly a FUNCTIONAL shower and tub. Next project is replacing the flooring I ripped out because of the toilet leak and then also repairing the leak in the sink...

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